Linda, a native of Zambia, embarked on a diverse journey that spans continents and professions. Raised partly in Zambia, she later pursued her education in South Africa before settling in the United States nearly three decades ago. While working as an administrative assistant, Linda pursued her passion for accounting, earning her bachelor’s degree from Hunter College. Yet, her heart lay elsewhere – in social and mental health issues. Driven by this passion, she aspires to pursue a Master’s in Social Work & Mental Health.
Post-college, Linda’s career trajectory took her into the realm of real estate, where she found her niche as a Property Manager for a prominent investment firm in New York City. Over two decades, she has nurtured this role, now overseeing a portfolio of approximately 300 units across the Tri-State area. Collaborating with professionals in real estate and construction, Linda has honed her skills in property management, contributing to the growth and success of her company.
Deeply rooted in her upbringing, Linda’s philanthropic spirit finds inspiration in her late grandmother, with whom she shared cherished moments in Choma, Zambia. Witnessing her grandmother’s altruism, fueled by a love for food and faith, Linda imbibed the value of giving back to the community. Her favorite biblical verse, Proverbs 3:27, encapsulates this ethos – “Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act.”
Guided by the words of Denzel Washington, Linda’s greatest belief lies in the impact of one’s actions on others. For her, true fulfillment is found not in personal achievements but in the positive influence one exerts on the lives of others. It’s about lifting others up and giving back, a philosophy that shapes Linda’s endeavors both personally and professionally.